Monday, April 29, 2013

Regit on his way HOME

YIPPEE....  It's the Columbia River.  This means I'm close to home.  I can hardly wait.  However, I hope they aren't going to make me ride this critter to get there.  Okay classmates - I'm expecting some sympathy.  Surely you know what a hard year this has been for me.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Regit at the London Bridge

Finally they brought me to see the London Bridge.  I wanted to see it at Christmas time when it was all decorated.  But OH, NO - the Reese's wouldn't bring me then.  I want  to go home.

Well, Regit, nice to see you out and about.  Too bad you weren't old enough to go see the London Bridge while it was still in England.  You have been missed by your classmates (at least most) and it will be fun to see you again. I understand that you are already in the car and will be heading for Ephrata soon.  So - you will be there to greet all of us?????  Take care little one! 

Friday, February 08, 2013


    Photo #1:              "Yummy!  Chocolate.  I have to get it open before the Reese's get up."

   Photo #2:               "Just because I ate all the chocolate this is what the old man and I got for
                                   Christmas.  I want to go home!. "

Regit's little Christmas situation is so typical.  Always blaming someone else for the pickle (or the chocolate) he gets himself into.  I'm beginning to wonder if there is a class Tiger who would even be willing to take him for a full year.  The older he gets doesn't mean he is any smarter!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


                                    Regit joins a "Quilting Bee"??? - Realllly?????

 Now Mrs. Reese joined a quilting class.  Quilting, sharing lifes ups & downs and lots of coffee.  This is not a group for tigers!!  I'm afraid to think what might come next.  Hurry up 2013 reunion.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Regit goes to Seattle.

                                             Regit in Seattle.

Mrs. Reese brought me to Seattle to the home of Barbara's daughter to help her pack up for a move to her new home.  Well, while they are packing,  boxing , etc. I'm behind the window watching their backyard.  I think I found dinner for tonight.  YES!!!

Regit!  Now if you are going to tell a "story" give the details.  Everyone knows where Seattle is - I'm sure everyone knows!  What they might not know is - who is Barbara?   I'm here to be your backup so.... Regit's guardian, Colleen Groff Reese is best friends with fellow classmate, Barbara Wersen Westbrook.  Barbara lives in Seattle - Colleen doesn't.  There!  Simple! AND yes, in the wild jungles, a tiger could certainly (if deer were there) consider a deer could be dinner.  However, it would be rare to find both a tiger and a deer in the same place - say, Seattle???  So - little friend, dream on.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012


                           Regit goes to Denver (and - again, complains)....

I'm not sure about the rest of the classmates, but I think Regit may be a bit of a drag on the Reese family.  He is becoming a bit bold in that he is now thinking he can call Mrs. Reese "Colleen".  Excuse me, Regit, but a little respect should be forthcoming.  Perhaps they will start leaving you behind as they TRY and enjoy themselves while babysitting a baby.  Grow up and make us proud!  Think about it, Regit, before you whine so much.  Who knows who will get you next year and you may be looking back on the year with the Reese family as your best time EVER!

"Colleen & I flew to Denver for her daughter's birthday.  Colleen wouldn't pay for a seat for me on the plane and made me fly in the cargo hold inside her suitcase.  I almost froze to death.  Isn't there at lease one 55 classmate that cares enough for me to come and get me?  Here we are at the party and while they play their silly game, I have to sit here and wait for the ice cream and cake!  Grrrrrr!"

Friday, November 09, 2012

Regit goes for Bike Ride

It appears that Colleen Groff Reese, current foster mom for Regit, is enjoying a bike ride where the weather is a bit nicer than up here in Eastern Washington.  Finally, Regit seems to be having a good time instead of the constant whining we have heard from him soooooo often.

                                          " WOW!  Finally something fun.  