Wednesday, November 17, 2010

THE UPDATES (or not)

     As I said in the email to you all (or to all of you), more pictures will be forthcoming next week, if not a bit earlier.  Went to the mall for some shopping, lunch with a friend - YES, I do have a friend - and then to see the movie "Morning Glory" which was cute and funny.
    So will now make myself a cup of tea and relax with  a book and look forward (NOT) to the very cold weather that is supposed to come our way here in the Arctic Circle, I mean Spokane.
     If you don't hear from me before Thanksgiving, have a great one and include our class in your Thanks.  We are so very very blessed.
                                                                 Much love - Ruby

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dinner at the Legion - Pictures from Barb Wersen

I am going to quote her "sweet" little note that she sent with the pictures.  Soooooo Barb!  

"Hi Ruby - I realize any other person would send these as attachments, but you will have to scan & send them as I am "technically challenged" & don't care or apologize.  Happy Sending!  Love, Barb"

So - in no particular order, the pictures sent by Barb follow!  Thanks, Barb, and it was great to see you.

Lois Haney and husband, Bob Schroeder

Jerry Pitts and wife, Bev
Pat Shanklin and wife, Mary
Sali Bell and husband, Andy Michaels
Wes Thrash and wife, Betty
Mary Ann, wife of Clark Myers (in middle) and Pete Benville
Gene Greenlee and wife, Paulette
Wanda Trotter with husband, Don Boudreau
Ginny VanHolst Cherf and friend, Phil
Sam Arvan
Lois Gard (standing) and friend, Sandy
l-r:  Wes Thrash, Mary Ann Myers (w/o Clark) and Betty (w/o Wes)
l-r:  Rich Baker and Andy (h/o Sali Bell)
l-r:  Lois Gard, Sharon Jeffries, Phyllis Stover
Sali Bell, Colleen Groff, Vicki (Class of '57 and w/o Dick Sainsbury)
l-r: Barbara Rickert and Florence (w/o Jim Hunt)
l-r:  Jim Hunt, Phyllis Long Kempter (teacher), Don Deycous

l-r:  Phyllis Stover with our delightful teacher, Phyllis Long Kempter

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pictures from our 55th Reunion

Class of 1955  -  55th Reunion Events:      

Friday - 6 August
Trip to Ephrata Airport to view Mike Masterson's Memorial park bench - then continue on the Grand Coulee for the Laser Light Show - returning to Ephrata about midnight.

Saturday - 7 August
Tour of the historical Nat Washington home
Legion Club for Social Hour, Dinner, Group Pictures; Program

Sunday - 8 August
Don's Restaurant, Soap Lake for Sunday Brunch before closing the 55th Reunion

The pictures in this post were provided by Colleen Groff. 

A separate post will be used for pictures from separate contributors.

I will be using our maiden names for the "girls" to make it easier to identify.

6 August 2010 Event

August 5, 2010 - On the our way to the Laser Show at Grand Coulee Dam, we took the time to enjoy the plaque on the Memorial Bench in honor of our classmate, Student Body President and our Class President, Mike Masterson, who died in Viet Nam in 1968.  In the picture shown at the bench l-r is Lois Snyder, Sali Bell and Virginia "Ginny" VanHolst (classmate and widow of another of our classmates, Jerry Cherf). 

Behind them, l-r are Barbara Rickert, David Pratt, Ruby Simonson, Barbara Wersen, Jerry Pitts, Lois Gard, Jack Livingston, Sharon Jeffries (portion of Ginny's friend, Phil) and Gene Greenley.

Ruby Simonson distributing Credit Card Size Address Books on Bus to Grand Coulee

7 August 2010 Event

l-r: Barbara Rickert and Lois Snyder

l-r: Bev Pitts (wife of Jerry Pitts), Lois Haney and her husband, Bob Schroeder.  Across the table is Barbara Wersen and I believe at the end, across from Bob is Don Boudreau (husband of Wanda Trotter).

Mary Ann and Clark Myers
Evelyn (wife of Richard "Rich" Baker)
Jerry and Bev Pitts; Phyllis (Long) Kempter - our Teacher 1954-5, 55-6 and 56-7; Lois Haney
Jerry Pitts and Sharon Jeffries (discussing Program)

Wes Thrash, Jerry Pitts and Ruby Simonson
Lois Haney entering; Janet (wife of Harris Brooks) and Rusty with wife, Lynn

 8 August 2010 Event

Gene Greenlee and wife, Paulette
l-r:  Florence (wife of Jim Hunt) with Paulette (wife of Gene Greenlee)

Dick Sainsbury with wife, Vicki (Class of '57)

Wes Thrash with wife Betty and Arla (Class of '57 and wife of classmate Don Deycous)
Sandy to the left of Lois Gard and Barbara Werson

Lois Haney entering - Janet (wife of Harris Brooks) and Rusty Romig with wife, Lynn

More Posts from other class contributors to come soon!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Class of '53, '54, and '55 Reunion hosted by Class of '54 (Sept. 2011)

Gary Correll is heading up the '54 Reunion and they are inviting the Class of '53 and Class of '55.

At this time, the schedule of events are:

Tuesday, Sept 13th: Arrivals about noon.  Rest of the day will be visiting and trying to guess who is who.

Wednesday, Sept 14th: For those golfers, it will be off to Indian Canyon Golf Course.  For the rest, it will be lounging around the pool (which is very close to the lake).  Beautiful home and wonderful location.

Thursday, September 15th: Plans are to take in the boat ride at Coeur d' Alene and enjoy dinner afterward.

Friday, September 16th:  This will be the day for saying goodbye and making all kinds of promises - some will be kept.

Ephrata, Washington Tigers - CLASS OF '55

Friday night Jerry & Bev drove up to visit.  Jerry brought me a sweatshirt like the one I admired the last time he and Bev visited.  Now - I have one.  Very very nice of him.  It is a black hoodie and has an orange tiger that says Ephrata, Washington (the shirt - not the tiger) and below that Jerry had them add "Class of '55). 

We visited a few hours and then off to the Outback for dinner.  Met up with their daughter, Sherri and her three daughters.  The oldest is in her first year at Gonzaga.  Nice visit.  Then back to my house and big banana splits for Jerry and me.

They didn't spend the night but headed back home.  As usual - a fun evening.