Friday, September 28, 2012

Regit Goes to the Opera House.

Regit Goes to The Opera House
My My My!  Our Regit is getting some culture instilled.  That is a good thing.  His Tiger Pack has achieved that status and we only want him to reach for the stars.

 "The Reese's stopped here and told me I could go inside to see if there is a piano bar here.  ARE THESE GUYS FOR REAL?"

 Regit Goes to the Emergency Room

"STOP.  I don't want stitches.  I told you it doesn't hurt.  It is only stuffing showing.   Don't take me in there!  They will use a needle.  I don't like needles.  It will hurt.  WHY DON'T YOU GUYS EVER LISTEN TO ME!

It seems that Regit continues to be a little wimp.  Thank goodness Mrs. Reese - that would be Colleen - has a good hold on him or he would be jumping down and trying to come back to the den.

I don't remember him acting like this with the previous guardians.  Maybe they spoiled him.  Hmmmm - need to ask Phyllis and Dick if maybe they were a bit too easy on him and he expects just a free ride for a year....  I think Harris was smart to keep him in a glass cabinet/cage.

Stay tuned for the continuing Regit saga....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Obviously the trip Regit is on is taking him into dangerous territory now as you can tell by his comments: 

"STOP! STOP!  It's the Kitty Kat Motel.  Come on.  Stop.  I just want to see if they have a piano bar.  I keep telling you the stitches can wait.  STOPppp!

We'll have to see what trouble he gets into along the way. It may be that he needs to have his companions held accountable when we see Regit again next year.  It is out of our hands and we can only hope that we aren't seeing his stripes become black and white and little Regit behind bars.  He isn't as young as he used to be and it appears his interests are changing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


And the whining continues..... It appears that Regit is getting to be a pain in the butt but he can tell his sad little story himself, i.e. 

"106 degrees and they won't stop here at Walker Lake, NV so I can jump in and cool off.  But 'oh no" - the Reese's won't stop.  They say they are hurrying to the hospital because they say I need stitches.  It doesn't hurt so we don't have to be in that big of a hurry - 106 degrees!  I need to jump into this lake NOW!"

Monday, September 24, 2012

2012 Tiger Picnic - Take one!

A few pictures from the day of the 2012 Tiger picnic

L-R Sitting:  Virginia VanHolst, Carol Naslund, Phyllis Stover, Sali Bell
                      Standing:  Ruby Simonson and Colleen Groff


Ruby Simonson, Sali Bell, Barbara Wersen, Phyllis Stover, Colleen Groff


Phyllis Stover, Ruby Simonson, Carol Naslund, Sali Bell



In the Jungle - the Mighty Jungle - The Mighty Regit On the Road

Tigers and Tigerettes.  It looks like it may be a long year for Regit the way it stands now, Colleen and Jack aren't even home yet and Regit doesn't appear to be happy about not getting his way.  Sounds like we may hear little Tigers roars from him along this journey till our next reunion.

"Here we are outside of Bend and all this time while we are standing still in this road, I'm thinking: 'Where is Barbara when you need her?' "

Now, maybe not many of you Tigers and Tigerettes know that Regis is referring to our fearless Barbara Wersen who actually does cattle cutting and was in the Nationals this year.  So - way to go Tiger Barbara, and Regit - stop being such a wuss!

"McDermit, Nevada - where I lost my allowance and I asked for an advance but the Reese's said 'NO'.  They are no fun.  I want new guardians!!"

I will be putting more pictures on from the reunion and wish more would have brought their cameras.  Next time for sure!!!

Thanks, Colleen, looks like this may be a very very interesting year for Regit.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

2012 Mini-Reunion Now a Wonderful Memory

 Let's see....  2012 - 1955 ...
Yes!!!  57 years since we graduated EHS!

Our 57th (yes, that's right - 57th) year reunion has come and gone and was a complete success, thanks to so many of our classmates. 

(using maiden names for ladies and beginning in back row)
Guys (standing) - Jerry Pitts, Harris Brooks, Rusty Romig, Wes Thrash (hidden behind Phyllis), Clark Myers, Gene Greenlee, Pat Shanklin

Ladies (kneeling) Carol Naslund and Sali Bell
Ladies (standing) Barbara Wersen, Phyllis Stover, Susan Lovelace, Lois Snyder, Betsy Williams, Virginia VanHolst, Colleen Groff, Ruby Simonson (behind Tiger sign)

Ladies (sitting)  Phyllis Long (That's Miss Long to all of us students in the picture with her - she was out outstanding teacher), Sharon Jeffries, Barbara Rickert, Lois Haney (sitting on tiger). 

 There will be quite a few posts regarding our reunion.  However, before I begin this onslaught of memories, many years ago at one of our reunions, I saw the cutest little stuffed tiger.  I quickly went home and gave him a name "REGIT" which is Tiger spelled backwards (aren't I the clever one? - no comment needed).  I attached a little note to him that reads: 
"Dear Tigers---
Please hold on to me for at least 15 minutes and pass me on to a fellow tiger.
The one holding me, when time is called at the end of breakfast on Thursday morning, will be in for a surprise.
Your Tiger Pal, Regit"

The idea was to send Regit home with whomever ends up with him on their shoulder at the end of the reunion.  He gets pushed from tiger to tiger throughout the reunion.

Early on we didn’t keep tabs too closely.  I remember that he spent his time in a glass cabinet at Harris Brooks’ home so the grandchildren could look but not touch.

The first Regit adventure began when Phyllis Stover Schutt took Regit to her home in Montana where they live in a log house and have horses, etc.  Soooo – Regit went to a “dude ranch” and you will see him perched on top of a big horse, etc.

Then Dick Eastham took him “fishing” and pictures (when I find them) will show he probably had more fun than Dick and his wife, Phyllis (yep – another Phyllis amongst us).

So, now he is with Colleen Groff Reese and who knows what adventures Regit will enjoy but stay tuned.

So – the Foibles of Regit and pictures taken during the reunion, will begin on this blog and be updated when possible.

This is the first picture of Regit as he is leaving Ephrata with his foster parents, Colleen and Jack Reese.  Looks like an adventure in the making and his last words as he leaves are:  "Leaving Ephrata!  You don't think they will make me ride here the whole trip..... do you?"