Sunday, December 30, 2012

Regit goes to Seattle.

                                             Regit in Seattle.

Mrs. Reese brought me to Seattle to the home of Barbara's daughter to help her pack up for a move to her new home.  Well, while they are packing,  boxing , etc. I'm behind the window watching their backyard.  I think I found dinner for tonight.  YES!!!

Regit!  Now if you are going to tell a "story" give the details.  Everyone knows where Seattle is - I'm sure everyone knows!  What they might not know is - who is Barbara?   I'm here to be your backup so.... Regit's guardian, Colleen Groff Reese is best friends with fellow classmate, Barbara Wersen Westbrook.  Barbara lives in Seattle - Colleen doesn't.  There!  Simple! AND yes, in the wild jungles, a tiger could certainly (if deer were there) consider a deer could be dinner.  However, it would be rare to find both a tiger and a deer in the same place - say, Seattle???  So - little friend, dream on.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012


                           Regit goes to Denver (and - again, complains)....

I'm not sure about the rest of the classmates, but I think Regit may be a bit of a drag on the Reese family.  He is becoming a bit bold in that he is now thinking he can call Mrs. Reese "Colleen".  Excuse me, Regit, but a little respect should be forthcoming.  Perhaps they will start leaving you behind as they TRY and enjoy themselves while babysitting a baby.  Grow up and make us proud!  Think about it, Regit, before you whine so much.  Who knows who will get you next year and you may be looking back on the year with the Reese family as your best time EVER!

"Colleen & I flew to Denver for her daughter's birthday.  Colleen wouldn't pay for a seat for me on the plane and made me fly in the cargo hold inside her suitcase.  I almost froze to death.  Isn't there at lease one 55 classmate that cares enough for me to come and get me?  Here we are at the party and while they play their silly game, I have to sit here and wait for the ice cream and cake!  Grrrrrr!"

Friday, November 09, 2012

Regit goes for Bike Ride

It appears that Colleen Groff Reese, current foster mom for Regit, is enjoying a bike ride where the weather is a bit nicer than up here in Eastern Washington.  Finally, Regit seems to be having a good time instead of the constant whining we have heard from him soooooo often.

                                          " WOW!  Finally something fun.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Regit Plays Bridge

                                    Regit Plays Bridge - or is this cheating????

 I'm not sure about the rest of you '55 Tigers, but it seems Regit is getting around more than any of us or we're just not sharing our exciting adventures.  It's nice that he is being allowed to join in rather than sit in a corner for a year or a cage or being tossed around by a bunch of little ones.  We'll have to see how the Reese's cope with him as the year goes along.

 "Bridge!  Don’t these folks ever do anything that is fun?  Well, I’m getting even this time.  I just bid 7 No Trump which means I have to take all 13 tricks.  I’ll be lucky to take 3 tricks.  HaHaHaHa!

        I’ll be grounded again but anything would be better than playing bridge.  Especially playing with the Reese’s.  They aren’t very good."

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

It looks like Regit is getting a "talking to" - probably someone from the pack that we haven't met before, not that he doesn't need it!!!  He sounds tough as he says to Regit:  

"Well, Regit.  I've been hearing all kinds of stories about you.  Your whining, saying you wanted new guardians and worst of all you wanted to stop at the Kitty Kat Motel?  It's time for you to straighten up and start acting like a Class of 55 Tiger.  I'm grounding you for one week and if I hear any more stories I will add more weeks.  You got that?"

Obviously the Big Tiger on Campus has a hold of our Regit and must have caught Regit by surprise as Regit - in what I am sure is a quivering little voice is heard saying to himself:
"Who is this guy."
Hmmm - wonder how long Regit will heed these words???  Time will tell.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Regit Goes to the Opera House.

Regit Goes to The Opera House
My My My!  Our Regit is getting some culture instilled.  That is a good thing.  His Tiger Pack has achieved that status and we only want him to reach for the stars.

 "The Reese's stopped here and told me I could go inside to see if there is a piano bar here.  ARE THESE GUYS FOR REAL?"

 Regit Goes to the Emergency Room

"STOP.  I don't want stitches.  I told you it doesn't hurt.  It is only stuffing showing.   Don't take me in there!  They will use a needle.  I don't like needles.  It will hurt.  WHY DON'T YOU GUYS EVER LISTEN TO ME!

It seems that Regit continues to be a little wimp.  Thank goodness Mrs. Reese - that would be Colleen - has a good hold on him or he would be jumping down and trying to come back to the den.

I don't remember him acting like this with the previous guardians.  Maybe they spoiled him.  Hmmmm - need to ask Phyllis and Dick if maybe they were a bit too easy on him and he expects just a free ride for a year....  I think Harris was smart to keep him in a glass cabinet/cage.

Stay tuned for the continuing Regit saga....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Obviously the trip Regit is on is taking him into dangerous territory now as you can tell by his comments: 

"STOP! STOP!  It's the Kitty Kat Motel.  Come on.  Stop.  I just want to see if they have a piano bar.  I keep telling you the stitches can wait.  STOPppp!

We'll have to see what trouble he gets into along the way. It may be that he needs to have his companions held accountable when we see Regit again next year.  It is out of our hands and we can only hope that we aren't seeing his stripes become black and white and little Regit behind bars.  He isn't as young as he used to be and it appears his interests are changing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


And the whining continues..... It appears that Regit is getting to be a pain in the butt but he can tell his sad little story himself, i.e. 

"106 degrees and they won't stop here at Walker Lake, NV so I can jump in and cool off.  But 'oh no" - the Reese's won't stop.  They say they are hurrying to the hospital because they say I need stitches.  It doesn't hurt so we don't have to be in that big of a hurry - 106 degrees!  I need to jump into this lake NOW!"

Monday, September 24, 2012

2012 Tiger Picnic - Take one!

A few pictures from the day of the 2012 Tiger picnic

L-R Sitting:  Virginia VanHolst, Carol Naslund, Phyllis Stover, Sali Bell
                      Standing:  Ruby Simonson and Colleen Groff


Ruby Simonson, Sali Bell, Barbara Wersen, Phyllis Stover, Colleen Groff


Phyllis Stover, Ruby Simonson, Carol Naslund, Sali Bell



In the Jungle - the Mighty Jungle - The Mighty Regit On the Road

Tigers and Tigerettes.  It looks like it may be a long year for Regit the way it stands now, Colleen and Jack aren't even home yet and Regit doesn't appear to be happy about not getting his way.  Sounds like we may hear little Tigers roars from him along this journey till our next reunion.

"Here we are outside of Bend and all this time while we are standing still in this road, I'm thinking: 'Where is Barbara when you need her?' "

Now, maybe not many of you Tigers and Tigerettes know that Regis is referring to our fearless Barbara Wersen who actually does cattle cutting and was in the Nationals this year.  So - way to go Tiger Barbara, and Regit - stop being such a wuss!

"McDermit, Nevada - where I lost my allowance and I asked for an advance but the Reese's said 'NO'.  They are no fun.  I want new guardians!!"

I will be putting more pictures on from the reunion and wish more would have brought their cameras.  Next time for sure!!!

Thanks, Colleen, looks like this may be a very very interesting year for Regit.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

2012 Mini-Reunion Now a Wonderful Memory

 Let's see....  2012 - 1955 ...
Yes!!!  57 years since we graduated EHS!

Our 57th (yes, that's right - 57th) year reunion has come and gone and was a complete success, thanks to so many of our classmates. 

(using maiden names for ladies and beginning in back row)
Guys (standing) - Jerry Pitts, Harris Brooks, Rusty Romig, Wes Thrash (hidden behind Phyllis), Clark Myers, Gene Greenlee, Pat Shanklin

Ladies (kneeling) Carol Naslund and Sali Bell
Ladies (standing) Barbara Wersen, Phyllis Stover, Susan Lovelace, Lois Snyder, Betsy Williams, Virginia VanHolst, Colleen Groff, Ruby Simonson (behind Tiger sign)

Ladies (sitting)  Phyllis Long (That's Miss Long to all of us students in the picture with her - she was out outstanding teacher), Sharon Jeffries, Barbara Rickert, Lois Haney (sitting on tiger). 

 There will be quite a few posts regarding our reunion.  However, before I begin this onslaught of memories, many years ago at one of our reunions, I saw the cutest little stuffed tiger.  I quickly went home and gave him a name "REGIT" which is Tiger spelled backwards (aren't I the clever one? - no comment needed).  I attached a little note to him that reads: 
"Dear Tigers---
Please hold on to me for at least 15 minutes and pass me on to a fellow tiger.
The one holding me, when time is called at the end of breakfast on Thursday morning, will be in for a surprise.
Your Tiger Pal, Regit"

The idea was to send Regit home with whomever ends up with him on their shoulder at the end of the reunion.  He gets pushed from tiger to tiger throughout the reunion.

Early on we didn’t keep tabs too closely.  I remember that he spent his time in a glass cabinet at Harris Brooks’ home so the grandchildren could look but not touch.

The first Regit adventure began when Phyllis Stover Schutt took Regit to her home in Montana where they live in a log house and have horses, etc.  Soooo – Regit went to a “dude ranch” and you will see him perched on top of a big horse, etc.

Then Dick Eastham took him “fishing” and pictures (when I find them) will show he probably had more fun than Dick and his wife, Phyllis (yep – another Phyllis amongst us).

So, now he is with Colleen Groff Reese and who knows what adventures Regit will enjoy but stay tuned.

So – the Foibles of Regit and pictures taken during the reunion, will begin on this blog and be updated when possible.

This is the first picture of Regit as he is leaving Ephrata with his foster parents, Colleen and Jack Reese.  Looks like an adventure in the making and his last words as he leaves are:  "Leaving Ephrata!  You don't think they will make me ride here the whole trip..... do you?"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2012 Mini-Reunion right around the corner

It's getting closer.............  Our 2012 Mini-Reunion will be here before we even know it.   Hard to believe that in a month it will be another memory in our memory bank (if we aren't overdrawn there).

When I last talked with Jerry (that was last night) he said there were about 37 coming at last count.  That's so great.

Another really interesting thing is that if you go to the following website you will see that Ephrata High School will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first graduating class.  So - check it out now!

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

2012 Mini-Reunion Coming up up up up!

Remember the silly saying from long ago - "Be there or be square"? Interesting how those little things come to mind when you least expect them. Anyway, not sure where that was leading, but sure hope you will be at the "mini" reunion celebrating 57 - that's fifty-seven - years since we left our caps and gowns behind.

So - hope you will be able to attend and it will begin on September 11th. If you haven't let Jerry know, please do so soon. Right now - Jerry & Bev are somewhere in the mid-west (I think!) visiting an aunt of Jerry's.

Phyllis was over not long ago for the usual shopping/eating/shopping/eating/visiting thing. Why don't we ever get tired of that.

Our block had it's first ever National Night Out get-together, in association with our first ever Block Watch party. So many of the neighbors got together and visited and some, actually met for the first time. So our block was blocked off to all other traffic and was held in my drive-way as I am mid-block. So much fun. Fire truck came - kids all loved it sitting in the truck, talking to the fireman/firewoman, pictures taken, etc. A policeman (he looked about 24) but had a 23 son in the service so - everyone looks young when we aren't. AND - even the Mayor of Spokane came by and visited and had a bite to eat. OK - he, too is young - I think our youngest mayor ever at 35 years. Pretty cool to be a Mayor - that young - of a large city (we are the 2nd largest city in Washington).

There now! You are caught up on me- so come to the reunion and let us get caught up on you.

Take care and see you there!

Monday, June 25, 2012

20th Reunion - 1955-1975 - Ephrata Tigers

Ephrata High School
Class of 1955
Ephrata, Washington

20th Reunion 1955 = 1975

Front Row l-r: Ken Myklebust, Jack Livingston, Rusty Romig, Harold Romseth, Jack Warden, Dick Eastham
Second Row l-r: Myrna Conklin, Rosemary Davenport, Sharron Porter, Lois Snyder, Betsy Williams, Sharon Jeffries, Carolyn Luddington, Karen Hamilton, Barbara Rickert, Erin Farley
Third Row l-r: Clark Myers, Pat Shanklin, John Benoit, Jim Hunt, Fred Ragan, Sam Arvan, Harris, Lois Gard, Phyllis Stover, Wanda Trotter, Sali Bell, Buddy Batson, Ruby Simonson
Back Row: l-r: Pete Benville, Chuck Husted, Tony Notaras, Jerry Pitts, Dick Baker, Dick Sainsbury, Don Deycous

10 yr Reunion - 1955-1965 - Ephrata Tigers

Ephrata High School
Class of 1955
Ephrata, Washington
10th Reunion -- 1955-1965

10 Yr. Reunion - 1965

Back row: Merle Grubb; Chuck Husted; Fred Ragan; Milt McPheeters; Bob Treiber; Clark Myers; Ken Myklebust; Jim Hunt; Pete Benville
Middle row: Middle: Rosemary Davenport; Myrna Conklin; Ruby Simonson; Lois Gard; Gene Greenlee; Mike Masterson; Dick Sainsbury; Don Deycous; Tony Notaras; Jerry Pitts
Front row: Larry Campbell; Jack Livingston; Janet "Candy" Tattrie; Nora Friesen; Wanda Trotter; Sharon Jeffries; Rusty Romig; Erin Farley; Barbara Reikert; Phyllis Stover

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ephrata High School
Class of 1955
Ephrata, Washington

Graduation 31 May 1955

Our Graduation Program

We graduated and began going in different directions, i.e. college, work, marriages, service, etc.

The next time we had an organized gathering was at the 1965 reunion. This was a time of getting reacquainted. We were at various stages of life. Some married with children, others getting established in careers, continuing education, etc. But it was so much fun getting together again. There were, of course, those who stayed in Ephrata and became entrenched as our anchors. How
we depended on them - and still do

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Memorial Page For Our '55 Tigers

In Memory of our Classmates and Teachers
"Gone but Definitely not Forgotten" Ephrata High School - Class of 1955
Ephrata, Washington
  5 March 2013  

[Note: Please feel free to email me with your memories of our classmates and I will be happy to include them.]
Email me:

Ferdinand G. "Ferdie" Anderson

6 April 1937 - 11 October 1986
Ferdinand G. "Ferdie" Anderson, 49, East Wenatchee, Chelan County PUD accountant, died in Central Washington Hospital early Saturday morning, Oct. 11, 1986, following an extended illness.
He was born April 6, 1937, at Thief River Falls, Minn., moving to Ephrata with his parents when 6 years old. He attended schools in Ephrata, graduating from Ephrata High School in 1955. He then entered Central Washington University at Ellensburg. He met Kathy Carriger there and they were married Nov. 28, 1958, at Prosser. They made their first home in Ellensburg, later living one year in Cle Elum where he worked for Standard stations.
In June 1961 they moved to Wenatchee while he was still with Standard oil. In February of 1962, Mr. Anderson went to work for the Chelan County PUD as a meter reader, later becoming credit manager. At the time of his illness, he was the staff accountant in budgets.
While his children were young he took an active part in youth sports, playing an instrumental role establishing the youth basketball program in 1969 in East Wenatchee. He served as director of the program for seven years. He also coached girls' softball and Little League baseball.
Mr. Anderson was a member of the Eastmont Jaycees and a past active member of the Elks Lodge. In 1956, he served with the Army National Guard and was honorably discharged in 1957. In later years his hobbies included woodworking, reading and traveling.
Survivors include his wife, Kathy, at home, one son, Roger Anderson, Duvall; one daughter, Diane Anderson, Wenatchee; his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Rice, Ephrata; two sisters, Mrs. Kay Trent, Tacoma, and Mrs. Gail Suydam, Olympia. He was preceded in death by his father in 1959.
Arrangements are by Telford's Chapel of the Valley.
[Comment #1:] "Ferdie and I "went together" for a while in jr. high. He lived across the alley from me and my Mom said it always looked like I was walking my little brother to school every day because I was taller than him. We went out together a couple of times when I came home from college for the holidays. He went from little to really, really, tall. He was a fun guy too. From his obit. it sounded like he had a pretty good life. I hope so."
..... Sali Bell Michaels .....

[Comment #2:] "Ferdie and I were friends for some 40 years. I will always remember him as tall (although most of his height came during our high school years), wiry, somewhat dark in complexion, and intense. He was a man of strong likes and dislikes. A good man to have on your side. His most endearing traits were his loyalty and generosity, something I never doubted during those 40 years. And yes, Sali, I remember the year you two dated. We slept on his lawn by the garage more than one night that summer so that we could sneak down the alley (how I still remember those sharp rocks) and visit with you and Carol Naslund."

...... Dave Pratt .....

[Comment #3:] " I can't disclose my strongest memory of Ferdie but I'm sure Ferdie knows what I'd say."

..... Colleen Groff Reuse .....

Harold Ore "Buddy" Batson

21 December 1934 - October 1983

Billy Keith "Bill" Blanchard

6 September 1935 - 26 November 1995
Billy K. "Bill" Blanchard, 60, of Bruiser, died Sunday, Nov. 26 1995, in the Okanogan-Douglas County Hospital at Bruiser. He was born Sept. 6, 1935 to Clues and Vela (Pitman) Blanchard at Dentine Mont. At an early age he moved with his family to Ephrata, where he attended school and graduated from Ephrata High School in 1955.
Mr. Blanchard joined the U.S. Marine Corps. in 1956 and was discharged in 1960. He then returned to Ephrata. He married Elizabeth " Betty" Houston on Nov. 19, 1961 in Ephrata. Mr. Blanchard worked for the U.S. Postal Service and the Ephrata School District. Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard moved to Patters in 1975, where Mr. Blanchard worked for Crown Zellerbach. He was later employed by Nickel Orchards in the warehouse. He worked for Arrowhead Orchards until ill health forced his retirement. He and his wife moved to Bruiser in 1960.
Survivors include his wife, at home; a daughter, Mrs. Ted (Jennifer) Dodge of Lynn wood; four brothers, Lee of Columbus, Ga. Jeremy of Milton, Mont. Harry, of Spring Valley, Calif. and Kenneth of Spokane, Wa. two sisters, Opal Wallets of Sangfroid, N.C. and Wen Lowly of Ephrata; and four grandsons. Arrangements are by Barrens Chapel, Bruiser.
(Submitted by his sister Wen Lowly via Don Deices)
[Comment #1:] "When we first moved to Ephrata in 1942 we rented the house next to Billy and he helped me ride my first bike."
..... Colleen Gruff Reuse .....

Bill Chamberlain

b. ??? - d. about 1956-58
[Comment #1:] "Do you remember when Bill drove his car into Park Lake while throwing firecrackers out the window? I think that happened in 1954. He went into the water just south of the park entrance on a curve. They sent down divers to recover the car to see if alcohol was involved but found none. I think there were 3 or 4 in the car, but it was summer and the windows were down and everyone got out. It was a '41 Dodge if I remember right."
..... Jack Warden .....

Gerald M. "Jerry" Cherf

16 October 1937 - 26 September 1986
SILVER DALE - Gerald M. Cherf, 48, Silver dale, a former Ephrata resident, died Friday, Sept. 26, 1986, at Virginia Mason Hospital, Seattle. Born Oct. 16, 1937, at Grand Coulee Dam, Mr. Cherf received a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Washington. He served in the Navy for four years. He married Virginia VanHolst of Ephrata in 1956.
Mr. Cherf was a 20 year employee of Lockheed Co., and at the time of his death was in charge of the U. S. Naval Base at Bangor for Lockheed. Survivors include his wife, at home; two sons, Robert of San Jose, Calif., and Scott of Cooperation, Calif.; his parents, Margin and Florence Cherf of Ephrata; one brother, Kenneth Cherf of Seattle; one sister, Linda MCP of Redound; and one grandson. Services will be held in Seattle.
[Note: Jerry's wife was Virginia VanHolst of our class.]
[Comment #1:] "Jerry and I were very best friends (I assumed that because he was hitting me all the time) while we were little people growing up. His folks and mine were good friends so we were always together - picnics, family reunions with his family, swimming, and playing after school. We remained good friends all through high school and after for a few years. Then, we lost touch. I wish we could have renewed our friendship before he left us. Jerry introduced me to Bryan Citron (maybe Jerry wasn't such a good friend after all). They belonged to the same car club. That was such a long time ago. He is missed but I have those great memories and some great pictures too."
..... Sail Bell Michael's .....
[Comment #2:] "Most of my memories with Jerry were about going to dances in Nespelem and all that involved. My most fondest memory is when I finally opened up my 1955 annual (sometime in 1965) I noticed that Jerry was the ONLY person that signed my annual. "
[Comment #3:] "Jerry was the only person in my school years that asked me to be his girl friend and that was in the 6th grade. Thank you Jerry for that once in a lifetime memory."
..... Colleen Groff Reese .....

Herbert O. "Herb" Cole
(No picture in Annual 27 Oct 1937 - 4 Oct 2002

Burton Lee Dodge
(No picture in Annual) 7 Dec 1936 - 25 Septa 2005
IN MEMORY OF Burton Lee Dodge - Born December 7th, 1936 Winner, South Dakota. Passed away September 25th, 2005 at his home in Lynne, Washington. Memorial Services were held at "Totem Terrace" Intalco/Alcoa, Farandole, Washington, Tuesday, October 4th, 5:30 pm. Officiating was Pastor Jim Chase of Peace Arch Assembly of God, Elaine, Wash.
Survived by his wife, Veronica of 46 years. Daughters: Tammy & husband Jesse Rodrigues, Julie Dodge, Loran Boob. Sons: Trey & wife Debbie, Cory & wife Jennifer, Brunt & wife Kris. Grandchildren: Coil, Lean, Danielle, Alexander, Justin, Spencer, Citron, Ramie, Victoria, Nathaniel & Tiffany. Step Grandchildren: Shelly, Jane, & Matthew. Step-Great-Grandchildren: Jordan, Emily, & Tamara. Sister: Helen, of Beaver Lodge, Alberta, Canada. Brother: Larry & wife Ruth, of Steppe, Washington.
[Comment #1:] Burton and I were friends and started running around together before we ever started first grade. Do you know how long ago that was? 65 years ago! He lived in the rock house a block from the high school at that time. He had integrity even then as a little kid. As we got older (as in jr. high and high school) we drifted apart but, he was always around somewhere. We had such a good visit at the 45th. reunion. I was comforted to know that he took his Christianity seriously and surprised to hear that he had a wonderful singing voice. Bless his big heart and the hearts of his loved ones.
..... Sail Bell Michael's .....
[Comment #2:] Burton was at our 45th year reunion and I think he was extremely surprised that the members of the class of 55 had become as great as they are. He kept telling me that he didn't graduate with us and I kept telling him that he was just forgetting. And I took him over to the graduation picture (the one that shows the whole graduation class) and showed him himself. He continued to deny being at graduation. Good-bye Burton - I was so looking forward to seeing you at the 50th.
..... Colleen Gruff Reuse .....

Gerald Lee "Jerry" Erickson

29 Septa 1937 - 3 Septa 2002

Noralee "Nora" Friesen

8 June 1937 - 12 December 1999
East Wenatchee
Normally Diane Steven's, age 62, went to be with our Lord on Dec. 13, 1999. She died suddenly at her home in East Wenatchee of heart failure.
She was born June 8, 1937 at Great Falls, MT, to George D. and Eleven "Ruth" Friesen. Nora was raised and received her early education in Ephrata. She married Ralph Anderson and they were blessed with a son, Norman. In 1972, Nora moved to the Dentate valley, where she married Arena Steven's. She received her BA Degree in Accounting from Central Washington University. Together Nora and Arena built Steven's Accounting & Tax Service. In recent years, Nora was sole owner and ran the business herself. Nora enjoyed professional sports, and was an avid Sea hawk and Sonnies fan. She loved the beauty of the valley and enjoyed outdoor recreations.
Our Nora will be remembered with love by her son, Norman L. Anderson of East Wenatchee; sisters, France Brown of Moses Lake and Andrea Right of Pollution, NC; stepdaughters, Cone Steven's, Alice Steven's and Lynn Hove.
Nora treasured the times spent with her extended family and friends. "Nora the 'special love' you gave will be dearly missed".
At Norm's request, no services will be held. Charitable contributions may be made in Norm's memory to the American Cancer Society.
Crematorium arrangements provided by Tel ford's Chapel of the Valley.
[Comment #1:] "There are so many memories. We did everything together. We still had more to do. She shouldn't be gone yet. You talk about fun loving, that was Nora. I loved it when she laughed. We had some great times in that Willies. We also had great times in school, at Park Lake, at her house, at my house, and at Cove and other school dances. She is and will be missed, big time, by me."
..... Sail Bell Michael's ......
[Comment #2:] " I have fond memories of Norm's parties in her basement home where we played Spin the Bottle, Movie Stars, etc. (all done for kisses). My fondest memory is when Nora played my leading lady in the class play in our Junior year."
..... Jerry Pits ......
[Comment #3:] "Nora got me my first job as a soda jerk at Ephrata Drug. Between her car, mine and Sail's we could get everyone up to the lakes for our many get together."
..... Colleen Gruff Reuse .....

Merle M. "Bud" Grubb Jr.

30 Dec 1935 - 25 Jan 2008
Merle M. "Bud" Grub Jr. 72, of Ephrata, Wa passed away on Friday, Jan. 25,2008 at his home. He was born to Merle and End (Mass) Grub on Dec. 30, 1935 in Boise, Idaho.
Following construction jobs his family moved to Umatilla, Ore. and then to Wall Wall, Wa. where he started school. He moved to Ephrata with his mother when he was in the third grade and special friendships were formed at that time which continued throughout his school years and his entire life.
Bud joined the Washington National Guard at age 16 and enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1955. His active duty included more than a year in Hamburg, Germany where he served as a basic combat armor communication specialist. He was honorably discharged in 1957.
After his discharge, Bud worked at the Chevron station and later at the Texaco bulk plant. In 1958 he married JoAnn Johnson, the love of his life and the gal who would keep him in line until the time of her death in 2006. The young couple moved about for a few years while Bud worked in construction. During that time they became the very proud parents of a son, Rick. In the mid 1960s they settled back in Ephrata with Bud working for Basin Vending until being hired by Grant County Road District No. 3 where he worked until his retirement.
Bud was an avid outdoorsman with a passion for hunting and fishing. His family spent many happy times camping, boating and snowbiling. He read and reread every Zane Grey and Louis L'Amour book ever written and belonged to various hunting and fishing clubs, as well as being a lifetime member of the NRA, the North American Hunting Club and the VFW.
In later years, he and JoAnn enjoyed getaways to their time share condos and various casinos. He is survived by his sons, Rick and wife, Darla Grubb of Soap Lake, Wa.; grandchildren, Justin and wife Rachel Grubb, Jared Grubb and Nathan Wash, all of San Dimas, Calif.; a great granddaughter, Audrey Grubb of Ephrata; a sister, Gloria and husband Vern Mullings of Ephrata; a sister-in-law, Margaret and husband Rex Lawyer of Pasco, Wa; a brother-in-law, Ralph Johnson of Soap Lake; and numerous nieces and nephews.
A memorial service celebrating Bud's life will be held on Saturday, Feb. 2, at 1 p.m. at the Ephrata Nazarene Church.
Arrangements are under the direction of Nicoles Funeral Home of Ephrata.

Virginia Hill
[Comment #1:] "Virginia Hill and I used to play jacks, hop scotch, and climb trees together. We lived across the street from each other in the north end of town when we started 1st grade together. She was my friend when my Dad went overseas during World War Two. What a long time ago."
..... Sali Bell Michaels .....

Charles "Chuck" Husted

5 Aug 1937 - 14 Mar 2011
Charles C. (Chuck) HUSTED Born 8/5/1937 in Great Falls MT and died peacefully at home3/14/11 in Bellevue WA surrounded by his loving family. Chuck is survived by his wife of 33 years Sharie Glenn Husted, children Teresa (Paul) Tolonen of Bellevue, Jill (Mark) Vigil of Tacoma, Jeannie (Tim) Glenn-Thomasson of Seattle and Jason (Jenny) Kaminski of Marysville along with 10 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, brother Albert J (Nancy Sue) Husted of Soap Lake and 5 nephews and a niece with their families.
Chuck was raised in Great Falls, Seattle, Ellensburg and Ephrata where he graduated from high school in 1955 and entered the Navy upon graduation. After leaving the Navy he attended the University of Washington. He went into banking for a few years where he made many lifelong friends. At the encouragement of one of his customers he began selling cars, later going to work for that customer as a manager when he and his partner opened Brooks McKnight Chevrolet in Bellevue. He retired from there in 1999 after 30 years.
Chuck was active in the Overlake Rotary Club for many years, holding several offices within the club and making many friends there as well. Chuck was also very active in his homeowners association and took great pride in being sure the complex was well taken care of. Chuck enjoyed travel, especially cruising, but family was the most important thing in his life. He looked forward to having family over or going to see them and especially the family Christmases together. He will be greatly missed by family and friends alike. There will be a celebration of his life at the Inglebrook Cabana on 159th and Northup way in Bellevue on April 16, 2011 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. The family would like to thank Evergreen Hospice for their help and support at the end and is requesting that in lieu of flowers a donation be made to Chuck's favorite charity the Make a Wish foundation. Sign Chuck's on-line Guest Book at
Published in The Seattle Times on April 10, 2011

Ken Husten
[Comment #1:] At the wise old age of 16 to 18 I ran around with Kenny Husten and thought he was one of the funniest people I had ever known. My opinion of his dress code was "swell" (that means cool you know). The one thing that really bonded us together was our mom's became pregnant and had baby boy's when we were 16. From the time we found out they were pregnant we were both embarrassed that our parents had acted in that fashion. He was killed in a car accident just a year after we lost Allen. Kind of tough on teen-agers to have that much death so soon in life.
..... Sali Bell Michaels....

Gloria Jacobson
2 Dec 1936 - 13 August 1994
[Comment #1:] "Gloria and her husband came to our 30 year reunion and the following year Bev and I visited them at their home in Cody, Wyo. where she was the ideal hostess."
..... Jerry Pitts .....

Carol Kirkpatrick 26 May 1937 - 27 December 2004
[Comment #1:] "My memories of Carol go back to about the 5th grade in Soap Lake. So nice to spend so many many years with someone who was always nice to everyone and she will be missed. "
..... Ruby Simonson McNeill .....

Carolyn Luddington

23 August 1937 - 5 June 1978
Carolyn Grace Williams, born in Ephrata on August 23, 1937 passed away at Deaconess Hospital in Wenatchee on June 5, 1978. She had been suffering with a brain tumor for four years.
She met and married Raymond Williams of Thomasville, N.C., who was in the Air Force at the time.
Mrs. Williams was chief deputy (Clerk’s Office) of the Grant County Courthouse for several years before her illness, and a billing clerk at the PUD No. 2 Grant County in Ephrata from 1955 to 1958. She was a teller at Security State Bank from 1958 to 1959, when she became chief deputy clerk.
She was a member of the Ephrata and Soap Lake Soroptomist, and participated in many community projects.
Mrs. Williams is survived by her husband at the family home; her mother, Flossie Luddington, Ephrata; one sister, Mrs. Shirley Whittle of Albany, GA; two brothers, Donald of Ephrata and Arlen of Bremerton; several nieces and nephews and one uncle, Lewis Brooks of Wapato. Her father, Albert, preceded her in death in July 1957.
Funeral services were held on Wednesday, June 7, 1978, at Nicoles Funeral Home. Interment was at Holly Hill Cemetery, Thomasville, N.C.
Nicoles Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
[Submitted by Bev (Mrs. Jerry) Pitts]
[Comment #1:] "Carolyn was one of the few farm gals that would ask me to spend the night. I could never get enough nights out on the farms. How I loved them."
..... Colleen Groff Reese .....

Charles Lyle

11 Oct 1936 - 30 Mar 1987
Charles Delmus Lyle, 51,a former Ephrata resident, died accidentally Thursday, March 30, 1987 in San Francisco. He was born October 11, 1936 in Wenatchee, WA to Delmus Gilbert and Jeanette [Jones] Lyle.
He married Carol Ann Lewis Dec. 14, 1958 in Chicago, ILL. After his discharge from the U. S. Navy they lived in Soap Lake, WA where he worked for an insurance company. Later they moved to Seattle, WA and he worked for the U. S. Geodetic Survey. They divorced in 1962.
Survivors include his daughter, Carolyn Carson, San Jose, CA; a son, Jock Lyle, Seattle, WA; his father, Delmus G. Lyle and step-mother Lois Lyle, LaBelle, Florida; a sister, Donna Alumbaugh, Tonasket, WA; and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his mother, Jeanette Lyle in 1966.
Services will be held in San Francisco. His ashes were scattered in San Francisco Bay.
Wenatchee World newspaper obit
[Comment #1: About 3 weeks after graduation I went to Wenatchee to catch a train to Seattle and then on to San Diego to report for boot camp for the Navy. When I arrived in Wenatchee I was surprised to find 2 other EHS grads there to go with me. Chuck Lyle and John Shipp. We ended up in the same company (training group) for boot camp. After graduation we all went our separate ways for assignment. In early 1957 I was on a ship that stopped Manila, Phillipines and I stopped by a servicemans club there. There was a large map of the US where people had placed stick pins in their home towns. There was a pin stuck in Ephrata. They also had a large book with pages for each state and when I looked through Washington there was Chuck Lyles name with a recent date. I asked a person there if they remembered him and was told he was stationed near there and was a frequent visitor. Tried to locate him but was unable because I couldn't find out exactly where he was stationed. On that same tour to the far east I ran into Bruce Bartfeld (Bartfelt) in Hong Kong.
......Jack Warden.....

Michael "Mike" John Masterson

16 May 1937 - 20 November 1978 (death date according to records in National Archives)
The records in the National Archives provide the following brief information:
Military Service - Department of the Air Force; Country of Casualty - Laos; Type of Casualty - Hostile - Died While Missing; Military Grade - Lieutenant Colonel; Home of Record City - Ephrata; Home of Record State - Washington; Reason - Aircraft Loss/Crash Not at Sea; Aircraft - Fixed Wing Air Casualty - Pilot; Race - Caucasian; Religion - Episcopal (Anglican); Marital Status - Married (Spouse Listed); Date Tour in Southeast Asia Began - 10/13/1968; Body Not Recovered; Age - 31
Update from the Virtual Wall
The DoD PM-SEA database says that Captain Masterson's remains were repatriated on 04 August 2005 and positive identification approved on 07 Feb 2006.
The August 2006 issue of the Smithsonian magazine contains an article on the excavation of the crash site. It notes that the human remains recovered consisted of bone fragments too small and too damaged for DNA analysis - but it also notes that the recovery team found personal effects, fragments of an unused parachute, ammunition for Captain Masterson's personal sidearm, and both of his dog tags. The article goes on to say
Since neither teeth nor DNA was available in Masterson's case, it was finally closed, February 7, 2006 on the basis of circumstantial evidence. Later that month, Air Force officers presented the findings, along with Masterson's dog tags, a few coins, other effects and a copy of the case file, to his wife.
Her reaction was surprising. "I told them I didn't agree with any of it," she said. "It's all based on circumstantial evidence. I still don't know that he is dead or alive. He could be in a POW camp." Fran clings to that hope, based on the 1972 intelligence report that listed Masterson as captured.
But what about the dog tags, the bone fragments, the unused parachute, the insole matching her husband's foot size?
"All circumstantial," she said. "They just want to close this case and get it off the books. We've gone all this time. What's the hurry?"
She has appealed the findings, which will be reviewed by a board of senior military officers from all service branches, and if necessary, returned to the laboratory for further investigation.
Meanwhile, the remains of Bat Masterson will stay where they have been since last Thanksgiving, locked in a Hawaiian laboratory, halfway between Laos and home.
Note: Susan Lovelace McKinnon sent in this picture from the Viet Nam Memorial as the scaled-down version stopped in Bridgeport, WA on its journey across the US. I (Ruby) was very fortunate to have been to the original in Washington, D.C. in 1985 and brought back pictures that were part of our 1985 reunion. What an emotional experience that was. To actually see and feel Mike's name on the wall along with all those other "Mike's". Not sure how if these wars/conflicts/etc. can be prevented but a lot of heartbreak would then be prevented, too. Mike should still be with us as should all of our other classmates. They have all gone too soon.
[Comment #1:] "Like everyone else, I enjoyed Mike very much during our school years for his wit and his smarts. I'll never forget the Saturday morning of our 10 year reunion when he called me from Florida and said he'd be here for the evening program. And he flew in and made it. We had a party after the program (at my house) until five (5:00 am) and he was the last one to go. Even after the effects of partying all night has last words before leaving were, "never fear. I'll protect everyone from the air". He was back in Florida by that night. He visited us in 1967 just before his final flight - one thing I'll never forget."
..... Jerry Pitts .....
[Comment #2:] " OK Mike - time for the story to get told. Remember when you promised to teach my dog how to run my paper route? However, everyone, he did all the training on his route (with me to help) then sent me home to do my own route alone. This is what Jerry was talking about. All those smarts, however, takes some of us with less than average smarts to be his gofer."
..... Colleen Groff Reese .....
[Comment #3:] "I remember Mike for his bubbly enthusiasm and great sense of humor. I recall that as student body president, he wanted to change the school colors to purple and gold. I suspect that today's generation would find a purple tiger unique. I remember one student assembly where he showed up late. He entered the SW door of the gym carrying a glass of water, crossed the floor behind the program but in full view of the students in the balcony, and exited through the NE door. A few minutes later back he came again. The third time, he was stopped and asked why he was disrupting the assembly. He answered that the home room of one of our least favorite teachers was on fire. When asked how he expected to put the fire out one glass of water at a time, he replied, 'This isn't water, it's kerosene.'"
..... Dave Pratt .....

Milton McPheeters

5 March 1936 - April 1978
Note: The Oregon Death Index shows that Milton McPheeters b. 5 Mar 1936, d. 15 May 1978 Wasco County, Oregon - The Social Security Death Index shows death date as April 1978. If anyone has access to the obituaries in a local area newspaper it would be appreciated if they would send a copy to me via email. Thanks - Ruby
[Comment #1:] "What I remember most about Milt is his being our bodyguard when we went to the wild dances at Coulee City, Wilbur, Elmira, etc. I wonder why we needed a bodyguard???"
..... Jerry Pitts .....

Allen Nicks
2 March 1937 - 26 September 1953
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Recreation Center for Allan Burley Nicks, 16, who died Saturday morning from a cerebral hemmorage. He was fatally injured while playing football Friday evening. Judge E. W. Schwellenbach, of the State Supreme Court, and a friend of the family for years, conducted the services assisted by Rev. Calvin sutherlin. Bernice Bauer, of the high school faculty, sang accompanied by Mrs. Gordon Fletcher.
The DeMolay and Orange "E" club of which he was a member, served as honorary pallbearers. Burial was in the Ephrata cemetery with the Nicoles Funeral Home in charge of arrnagements.
Allen was born in Wenatchee but had lived here all of his life. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nicks; two brothers, Walter in the USAF in Misissippi and Richard, Ephrata, his grandmother, Mr.s. E. H. Nicks, Wenatchee; an aunt, Mrs. Sam Stephens, Wenatchee and an uncle, Lemuel Billingsley, Spokane.
[Submitted by Don Deycous]
{Note that the name is spelled both Allen and Allan. However, it is spelled Allen in the annual and the Ephrata Grade School page - that seems to be the way most of us remember it being spelled.}
[Comment #1:] "When Allen died, I was (against my wishes) going to Queen Ann High School in Seattle for the first 3 months. My teacher told me about it the beginning of class knowing that was where I had been before. It was horrible to be told this in front of all of those kids. We were ALL supposed to live to be this old - and older. When I returned to EHS and became a cheerleader, I was so proud to be able to wear Allen's #4 warm-up jacket. Allen was sooooo cute. What a loss in all ways."
..... Ruby Simonson McNeill ....
[Comment #2:] "Allen Nicks, Eugene Greelee, Colleen Groff, and Sally Bell. We were pals all during grade school and jr. high. We did everything together. We slid down Ephrata Heights on pieces of card board in the snow, ice skated on the lakes, played baseball in vacant fields, played at each others houses, rode on snow sleds pulled behind cars, hiked up the creek, and just hung around together. We even turned upside down in Colleen's dad's old pick up together. What great memories! Allen and I were tennis partners in mixed doubles on the tennis team in high school. He was hard to keep up with. He was always moving. He was exactly what you would want in a friend. It's been almost 50 yrs. since we've had him in our lives. I'm glad we had him even though it was just for a while. "
..... Sali Bell Michaels .....
Comment #3:] "Allen and I spent many many years together doing all of our sport thing. The thing that haunts me most was his last game was played on my 16th birthday. I had gotten my drivers license that day, picked Allen up for the game in my folks 48' chev and we were going on a double date to Kove after the game. Birthdays have never been the same."
..... Jerry Pitts .....
[Comment #4:' "Dear, dear Allen. A dear friend from the 1st through the 12th grades. During our grade school years he was my personal manager and scheduled races and fights for me and always put money on me to win. He did this until he scheduled a race between myself and Fred Ragan. Fred beat me badly and Allen lost all of his money and decided to give up managing me. I've missed him for years."
..... Colleen Groff Reese .....
[Comment #5:] "No matter when or where you talked to Allen, he was always a nice guy."
..... Peggy Bessett Fitzgerald .....
[Comment #6:] It happened in the third grade. We had finally moved out of the "temporary" tar paper shacks at the back of the school lot to the big one , Grant Elementary, which looked something like a fortress. After a short flight of stairs, you entered the main floor. Our room was the center one on the west side. Our third grade teacher was Mrs. Craig, a grandmotherly type who lived on B Street not far from the yet to be Lee Theater. (When I first met Jerry, he lived across the street in the block to the north of Mrs. Craigs'.) Somehow Allan and Jerry had managed to raise her ire. The punishment was to stay in the room after school. Mrs. Craig made two mistakes: first she left them together and second she left the room for a few moments. They promptly exited via the window onto the roof of the annex below, crossed the roof, and jumped to the ground. The next day I think we were all a little overwhelmed at their daring and audacity. I can't recall what happened next so you'll have to ask Jerry for the ending of this story.
..... Dave Pratt .....

Anthony G. "Tony" Notaras

22 May 1937 - 24 February 2001
Anthony G. (Tony) Notaras, 63, of Soap Lake passed away on Saturday, Feb. 24, 2001. He was born in Wenatchee on May 22, 1937.
Mr. Notaras attended grade school in Soap Lake, graduated from Ephrata High School in 1955 and enrolled at Wenatchee Valley College in Wenatchee where he was a stand-out member of the Knights football team. He joined the U. .S. Navy in January 1957, and served until he was honorably discharged in December 1961. Following his military service, Mr. Notaras worked for the Grant County PUD as a soils technician on the Wanapum Dam project. He then worked for the Alaska State Highway Department on road constructions and on construction projects in Israel and various western states. Mr. Notaras enjoyed fishing, billiards and playing pinochle.
He is survived by two daughters, Nichole Notaras of Edgerton, Neb. and Christina Olstrom of Bellingham; his mother, Joyce Notaras and four sisters, Freida Sebok, Marina Romary, April Leask, and Joyce Conklin, all of Soap Lake; a brother, Nick Notaras of Walla Walla; and four grandchildren. Mr. Notaras was preceded in death by his brother, George Notaras, and a brother, David Monte. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, March 7, at 1 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Ephrata.
A gathering for friends and family will follow immediately after the service at Don's Restaurant in Soap Lake.
(Published in the Grant County Journal)
[Comment #1:] ".... At one of the reunions for Suzanne's class I had a talk with Marina about Tony .... . I have many fond recollections of his "football hi jinx," but one memory that will always stick with me occurred during one of the early reunions. He had achieved great success in his work, but spent the evening telling everyone how proud he was of what they had accomplished. The man with an apparently hard shell, had a kind and gentle soul."
..... Ken Myklebust .....
[Comment #2:] " I talked a lot with Tony at the 20th. reunion. He was a happy guy at that time. It was like we had never left high school. We picked up right where we had left off. He was funny, he was handsome (as always), and he was flirting with all of us gals (which was expected). I'm so glad I have him in my memory. He was very different and very special."
...... Sali Bell Michaels ......
[Comment #3:] "When I came to Soap Lake in the 3rd grade, Tony was there. He was there in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th. He then, along with me and our other Soap Lakers began our 4 year high school trek to Ephrata. He was there in the 9th, 10, 11th and 12th. Then we went in different directions. I always heard where he was and what he was doing and, more importantly, how he was doing. You see - he was just always there and now he's not. I really don't like this. Tony should have lived a longer and happier life. I'm sure he is happy now but we aren't happier. "
..... Ruby Simonson McNeill .....
[Comment #4:] " I enjoyed sports with Tony and he was a very kind and soft spoken person. At our 20 year reunion he was also one of the last to leave at our all night party and he was having so much fun talking over old times."
..... Jerry Pitts .....
[Comment #5:] "What I remember most about Tony is the years him and Betsy Jo went together. He was always extremely nice and a good time."
..... Colleen Groff Reese .....

Irene Emily Petersen

14 Sept 1938 -29 March 2003
Irene Emily Petersen-Mintz born Sept. 14, 1938 in Waterville, Washington passed away on March 29th, 2003 after an extended illness. Survived by her husband Shalom A. (Sam), daughter Leorah, CPT, Iris (lst LT John) Mintz-Rosseter, great-nephew surrogate son Jens (Staci) Brown, sister Audrey Brown, brothers W. O. 'Pete' (Glatha), Henry (Sharon) and Don Petersen. Irene leaves behind neices and nephews, great and grand. Preceded in death by parents Aksel and Lillian, sister Norma and brother Jens. Irene will be missed by many friends and colleagues. Her wisdom, wit and unconditional love will be forever missed. Her daughter Iris and son-in-law John both serve with the 101st Airborne. Memorial services on April 5th, 2003, 11:00 a.m., Heritage Memorial, 17712 Beach Boulevard, Huntington Beach, 714-842-2400. Family assisted by Heritage Memorial Services.
(Published in the Orange County Register. Thursday, April 3, 2003)
[Comment #1:] "Irene had only recently reunited with our class and it was a good reunion. For most of us it was through the internet but it was so much fun and then she found she had leukemia. Funny how life can be. Maybe we were there for her, and she for us, at the right time. In February, Sali Bell, Carol Naslund, Phyllis Stover, and Peggy Bessett were at my home for a few days as we try and do a couple of times a year. Jerry Pitts and Bev came up for the day and we called Irene and all visited with her via the phone wishing she could be here with us. Some of us didn't know her too well in school (she was a couple of years younger than the rest of us so that gives you an idea of her intelligence), but in the short while of this reunion, she showed her wonderful sense of humor, compassion and how bright she was. She will be missed."
..... Ruby Simonson McNeill .....
[Comment #2:] " I connected with Irene again, when she appeared on about 3 or 4 years ago. She was a delight! I wish all of you could have known her as I got to know her. We had lunch, dinner, and telephone conversations. She had quite a wit. I loved her and miss her a lot."
.....Sali Bell Michaels.....

Dolores Prudhon
16 November 1937 - 15 December 1989
[Comment #1:] "I ran around with Dolores when we were kids in Soap Lake. I remember her cute smile and dimples and don't remember that she ever said anything negative about anyone. I remember that she played the accordion when we were kids, too. She was an only child and had her own bedroom which I equated as being "rich". At that age I had to share with sisters. I remember that she had a car accident on their way to their honeymoon and that she was hospitalized. I wish she had had a happier and longer life. For those who didn't know, Dolores' mother was the sister of Cathy Lucas. Cathy was a year behind us. So the niece was older than the aunt and all ran around together. Dolores married Frank Bessett, the brother of another of our classmates, Peggy Bessett. A very small world."
..... Ruby Simonson McNeill .....
[Comment #2:] "Dolores and I ran around from the time I moved to Soap Lake and became like sisters. Small world - ended up sisters-in-law. She was my best friend and I loved her until her last day and still do. I miss her very much. She also deserved a much better life."
..... Peggy Bessett Fitzgerald .....

Laverne Rice

May 6, 1938 - August 1976
[Comment #1] I really got to know Laverne for the first time when we rode the pines together in the opening game at Wenatchee in the Fall of 1953. (We thought it a moral victory when we only lost 7-0.) Laverne was a big man with a kind heart and a wry sense of humor, which sometimes led him to stick his foot in his mouth. Like the time he tried to explain how he had run into a student club's faculty advisor's car (Mr. Daverin) The photo of Laverne in that year's annual says it all: Laverne is sitting at the teacher's desk conducting the club meeting, and his foot is clearly in the waste basket.
..... Dave Pratt .....
[Comment #2] I have never forgotten Laverne Rice - primarily because he was the smartest kid in school, but also because I saw him in every band class and all the events where we had to play. Laverne was also a consummate musician. I was really intimidated by his intelligence and his talent. I wanted to be the kind of musician and student he was. To find out, after all these years, that he only was allowed to spend a few of them on this planet is really a devastating blow. What a waste for the rest of us. I hope I can see you again someday, Laverne, and tell you in person how grand you were!
.....Irene Petersen Mintz.....

Harold Romseth
1936 - May 1, 2008
Harold Romseth, 72, of Ephrata, died Thursday, May 1, 2008, at Central Washington Hospital in Wenatchee. He had lived in Ephrata for 40 years and was a janitor for the Ephrata School District for many years. No services will be held.


Patrick Shanklin
- 4 March 2013

[Comment #1] Oh, my, Pat - you are already missed.  You loved our class and the reunions as much, or more, than anyone.   You brought such fun and laughter with you.  Our special "early" time at the Businessmen's Club in Soap Lake will live in our memories forever. Rest in peace my friend.
......... Ruby Simonson McNeill.....

[Comment #2]  My thoughts of Pat are that he was always upbeat and smiling; and that living in the rustic Gold Rush country of CA seemed so filling for Pat and Mary.  Coming to the reunions from so far away showed Pat's closeness to our Tiger class throughout the years.  He and Mary will be missed by all of us. 
                                                                                                                           ....... Susan  Lovelace McKinnon ...... 

[Comment #3] 

Barb (Wersen) and myself have been talking about how Pat’s passing affected us so very much.   The last time we saw him was the last day of our 2012 reunion at Wanda’s and there was not an inkling that we were seeing him for the last time.  As usual Pat gave us the biggest laugh we had experienced for a long time.  We never knew who we would see at each reunion but we always knew Pat would be there with or without Mary and it was always a treat to see them each year.   We have more than enough dear friends who will be welcoming him with open hearts.  Thank you Pat for the many years of friendship.

                                                                                                                                  ...... Colleen (Groff) Reese ......

[Comment #4]

                             "Honest  Pat gets John Shipp and Wes Thrash in Trouble"
Pat Shanklin, Wes Thrash and John Shipp took Phyllis' car and were going to Quincy to watch the Junior Play.  About 4-5 miles out of Ephrata, the car's hood came up.  We put it in the trunk and went back to Ephrata to a gas station and left it overnight.  The next day the Principal called John Shipp and me into his office and asked "Did you skip school yeaterday?".  We responded "Yes".  He asked if we were the only ones and we responded "Yes".    He said OK and told us we could leave.

The next day the Principal called us back in to his office.  There was Pat sitting in the office.  He had confessed that he was with us.  The Principal looked at John and me and told Pat he could leave.  He told John and me that we were to go home and were on probation until a letter was received from our parents saying they were told about the situation.  Mother made me paint window panes, etc. for punishment and wrote the required letter to the Principal.  

                                                                                                                                     .       .......  Wes Thrash ........


John Shipp

5 April 1937 - 12 September 2002
John Shipp was born 5 April 1937 and died 11 Sept 1902 in Sandy, Oregon. He was survived by his wife, Marian, daughter, Kim, and son John Jr. Also survived by his grandson, Alex. John worked for and retired from the Federal Reserve Bank. He loved the coast and all it entailed as well as a passion for fishing and the outdoors. The last four years of his life were spent adoring his grandson.
(Submitted by John's daughter, Kim Shipp Chadney)
[Comment #1:] Of course I remember him as "Johnny". It seems that we were alphabetically linked through the high school years so "Shipp" and "Simonson" were fairly close many times. Johnny could laugh so wonderfully. I can actually picture him in the hall laughing in the way only he could. He would tip backwards with his heard upward as though the laugh had to come all the way from his feet up. It wasn't loud just joyful. What a great character. I know that he has to be sharing that laugh with the angels. I'm so glad he was finally reunited with us at our 45th reunion.
..... Ruby Simonson McNeill .....

Barbara Smothers

August 19, 1937 - January 9, 1976
Barbara Ester Himes, Mt. Home, Id. died Jan. 9 at Mt. Home; She was born in Sand Point Id., Aug 19, 1937 She moved to Ephrata in 1945 & graduated from the Ephrata High School in 1955. She is survived by her husband, Sgt. Calvin Himes, Mt.. Home; her mother Mrs. Glen Smother, Grandview Two daughters, Beverly and Margaret Himes, at their home; two sisters, Mrs. Albert Treiber, Ephrata; Mrs Jesse Hall, Grandview; and nieces & nephews.
Service for Mrs. Himes will be tuesday, Jan. 13 at 11 a.m. in Nicoles Funeral Home. Rev Myron Sharrard will officiate and interment will be in the Ephrata Cemetery. If desired, memorial may be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Nicoles Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
[Comment #1:] "Just before I started high school I ran around with Colleen Groff, Carl Searls, and Barbara Smothers. I don't remember a lot about that time but I know I remember how Barbara's sincerity always stood out. That impressed me at that time in my life. Isn't it funny the little things that stay in your memory forever?"
..... Sali Bell Michaels ....
[Comment #2:] "What I remember most is her lovely big house on the Ephrata Heights and the wonderful parties she had there."
..... Jerry Pitts .....

Marvin W. Snyder 24 Nov 1935 - 24 Oct 2001
[Comment #1:] "With Marv's death, I lost a very long-time good friend with so much history it would be hard to describe. Marv always had a smile on his face. I don't remember him ever saying a bad thing about anyone. I talked to Marv about once a year around his birthday and will miss him terribly. He is now with many of his friends, including my husband, Duane."
..... Ruby Simonson McNeill .....

Stanley Zehm
3 December 1936 - 28 March 1999
[Comment #1:] "In our grade school years Stanley talked like Donald Duck and he worked with me until I could also talk in that fashion. When he was ordained as a priest here in Ephrata, my wife and I went to the ordination - Bev was pregnant with our first child. I asked Stan if he could give us a boy and he said a few words to Bev and lo and behold we had our boy, Jerry."
..... Jerry Pitts .....
[Comment #2:] "Stanley lived across the street from Allen and myself. We spend a lot of our youth playing with trucks and cars. Stan left Ephrata to attend high school at a private school so we missed a lot of those years. My husband and I did attend his ordination which we felt quite privileged to attend."
..... Colleen Groff Reese .....


Max L. Brunton

4 March 4 1920 - 7 Nov 2000
Max L. Brunton was born 4 March 1920 and died in Portland on November 7, 2000. Mr. Brunton was EHS Principal from 1954-56, and Asst. Superintendent of Ephrata Schools from 1956-1961. He attended our 40th Reunion dinner and sent an info page for our 45th Reunion Yearbook. I know we all have our own memories of Mr. Brunton. I know I do. I dropped him a note after our last reunion and received the nicest reply. What a gentleman and gentle man he was. A real loss to his family.

Charlotte Dixon

15 July 1926 - 1 Apr 2002
Charlotte Emily Dixon, 75, of Kennewick, and a former Ephrata resident, passed away on Monday, April 1, 2002 in Kennewick. She was born July 15, 1926 in Almira to Lafayette and Rachael Dixon and she lived in Almira for one year before moving to Pullman where she was raised and graduated from Pullman High School in 1944. She graduated from Washington State College in 1951 with a degree in health and physical education and completed her student teaching in Sunnyside before moving to Ephrata to begin her teaching career.
She taught at Ephrata High School until her retirement in 1981. She was involved in several sports activities as well as being an avid bowler in the local league. She was a member of the Americal Legion Auxiliary, the Ladies of the Elks, serving as a past prsident, and was a member of numerous other clubs and organizations. She was very involved with community activities and was previously honored as Citizen of the Year for the City of Ephrata.
She was also known as a loyal WSU Cougar fan and supported many of the Cougar activities throughout her life. She is survived by a sister, Eleanor L. Beard of Pinnellas Park, Fla.; a brother, Virgil J. Dixon of Colfax; a niece, three nephews and numerous friends. She was preceded in death by her parents and a brother, Kenneth L. Dixon of Lewiston, Idaho.
A memorial service will be held at the United Methodist Church in Ephrata on Saturday, April 6, at 11:30 a.m. Viewing will be on Friday, April 5, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Nicholes Funeral Home in Ephrata. If desired, memorials may be made to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, or to a local community project of the giver's choice. Nicoles Funeral Home of Ephrata is in charge of arrangesments.
Published in Grant Co. Journal, Ephrata, WA - April 4, 2002
---submitted by Don Burke, Class of '53
[Comment #1:] " Charlotte Dixon was a lifelong friend of mine. I saw her almost every time I went to Ephrata which is a couple of times a year and always thoroughly enjoyed her. She never changed one iota from when she taught P.E. in high school. What did change was my opinior of her. I didn't like her much when she enforced rules. Is that typical high school attitude or what? As I got to know her a little better I got a little smarter (not much) and started to appreciate her. I miss her when I visit Ephrata"
...... Sali Bell Michaels ......
[Comment #2:] "I didn't like P.E. and Miss Dixon (funny how as we got older she became 'Charlotte') didn't put up with much funny business. Like most of the girls, I wanted P.E. first in the day to get it out of my way. She was a good teacher and you have to admit - not many of us suffered with weight problems then. Wonder if there is more than a coincidence? It is sad to have our teachers leave us at any age!"
...... Ruby Simonson McNeill ......

Florence Kammeyer

Doris Whitmore Nelson
3 May 1920 - 18 Oct 2000
Doris Whitmore Nelson, our 1st and 2nd grade teacher, died of cancer on October 18, 2000. (Date of birth - May 3, 1920) A memorial service was held for her on October 22, 2000, at the United Methodist Church of Ephrata. Ushers were Jerry Pitts, Don Deycous, Larry White, and Kermit Behrens...former students.
..... Susan Lovelace .....

Ruth Perin Snyder

6 Nov 1914 - 7 Nov 1999
Ruth Perin Snyder, born 6 Nov 1914 Ohio, died 7 Nov 1999 Ephrata, Washington
(Need obituary for Mrs. Snyder)
Comment #1:] "Ruth Perin Snyder was a great, great teacher. I enjoyed her classes immensely. She lived across the street from me on "B" St. when she became Mrs. Snyder. What energy she had!"
...... Sali Bell Michaels ......
[Comment #2:] "Mrs. Snyder taught me typing, bookkeeping, shorthand and was in charge of my work in the school office for credit. Funny you remember either good or bad comments from people. I remember she once told me, when I wore a red sweater, that I should always wear that color. All I wanted was to go out and buy everything I saw in that color. Today it is far from my favorite but what an influence she was. I saw in the Ephrata paper a couple of years perhaps before she died, that she was in the nursing home (her picture was in the paper with other residents). I wrote her a letter telling her that not a day goes by that I don't use something that she taught me. I feel that same way today. What an extraordinary teacher."
...... Ruby Simonson McNeill ......
[Comment #3:] The one teacher that I could NOT bluff. Though I disliked some of her courses (especially shorthand) I learned them all (which is a miracle in itself) and used all of them in my later years. I think she excelled as a teacher.
..... Colleen Groff Reese .....

Note: Although some of us have lost our spouses, unless they are also classmates (as in the case of Jerry Cherf and Virginia VanHolst Cherf) they will not be shown here. This is not out of lack of compassion (I have lost mine) but to maintain the theme of these pages. Those who were, at some time, classmates of ours through our high school years 1951/2-1954/5 (classes beginning in the fall of 1951 and ending with our graduation in May 1955) will be remembered here.